
javanese worker

javanese worker
Lumphole S.

Generated: 19th September 2024


Create an ultra-super-realistic image of an adult Javanese office worker in modern attire with subtle traditional elements like a batik scarf. The worker wears a formal suit with batik-patterned shoes and holds a laptop resembling a shellfish. They stand in a surreal, dreamlike environment where a modern office blends with a traditional Jogja market. One side features floating market stalls selling exotic fruits and spices, while the other side has office desks and computers suspended mid-air. The background includes strange details like two-headed chickens, glowing or levitating fruits, and wayang puppets as giant statues. The setting is bright and vibrant with warm, natural lighting and a dreamlike atmosphere. The worker’s face appears almost normal but with slight oddities, such as mismatched eye sizes or a slightly crooked nose, adding to the surrealism. The image should be eye-catching and visually confusing, blending the modern professional world with traditional Jogja in an unexpected way.


javanese workersurreal officetraditional market


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