
board game map

board game map

Generated: 12th September 2024


Design a circular, vibrant board game map representing a journey through 5 sections. The centre must be a gold area with soft colours like light blue and white as feature colours. Add a pathway leading to the first of the 5 distinct realms, which each represent a different emotion: 1: Joy-Yellow based, with sun rays, flowers, and symbols of happiness like butterflies. 2: Anxiety-Green and grey based, with twisted vines, misty fog, and thorny branches, evoking a sense of uncertainty and nervousness. 3: Anger-Red and orange, with cracks of molten lava, jagged rocks, and erupting flames. 4: Sadness-Blue based with drooping trees, shadowy areas, and slow-moving rivers, evoking a sense of melancholy. 5: Trust-Purple based with tall buildings and bridges between them to represent building connections through trust. The path through the realms needs marked challenge zones and spaces along it for players to land on, with symbols for when they need to draw a card. Please do not include words, and do not use glowing elements.


board game mapemotional journeyvibrant design


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